Are you growing your business in the eCommerce channel faster than your competition? If not, you’re losing share. Data shows that eCommerce could account for 50% of growth in the US CPG market by 2018.
Just as important to consider is the massive change in how the consumer finds, researches and ultimately buys your products. She or he is increasingly online or on a mobile device, and actively searching for, researching and shopping for your products. This is a valuable consumer. According to multiple sources and retailers, the “omnichannel” shopper that shops online, on a mobile device, and in physical stores spends up to twice more annually, is more profitable and has a greater lifetime value than shoppers that shop in store or online only.
Selling to the Omnichannel Shopper
If you’re like most CPG or Retailer executives, you’ve grown up in the business of working with physical stores. And you’re familiar with what’s important (and how to get it) in a physical store, but not online. If so, take comfort in this truth: online isdifferent, but the same principles apply. You still need to build demand and help shoppers find your product.
The difference is that you’re now focusing on virtual content versus a physical package. You still need visibility on the “shelf” – but instead of facings and shelf placement, it’s how you show up in the retailer search algorithm. And the basic fundamentals are still important – just adapted for the online environment.
How Simpactful Can Help
Simpactful has deep hands-on experience in end-to-end digital and eCommerce, including eCommerce strategy and “how to win”, online sales fundamentals, eCommerce retailer relationship management, digital marketing and social media.
Simpactful can work with your sales and brand teams to build a winning online strategy and execution in many ways, including:
- How to catch the consumer online while she or he is interested in your product
- Engaging the shopper in relevant content, information and ratings & reviews
- Closing the sale online
- Extending and building a relationship with your consumer
Connect with us []and find out more about how we can help you translate your physical store fundamentals into eCommerce success.
SOURCES: IRI ILD Panel Database Last 52 weeks ending April 20, 2014, Wells Fargo; BCG analysis